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We use both SwiftLint and SwiftFormat for linting and formatting code. These are both run on build in Xcode.

However, there are some things that are not easily captured by these tools.

We try to follow Swift/iOS community standards (inasmuch as they exist). Though our apps are not API libraries, we do find the Swift API Design Guidelines to be a useful starting point.


In this document, "class" will be used to mean more generally classes, structs, actors, enums, and protocols as things apply in each case.


Xcode has several settings that can be helpful for code formatting. In particular, under Settings -> Text Editing -> Editing:

  • You can update "Reformat code at column" and turn on "Show reformatting guide" to have a visual notation of 120 characters per line.
  • You can turn on "Automatically trim trailing whitespace" and "Including whitespace-only lines".

On Settings -> Text Editing -> Indentation:

  • We "Prefer indent using" spaces.
  • We prefer both "Tab width" and "Indent width" to be 4 spaces.
  • We do not "Indent switch/case labels" in "Swift", but we do in "C/Objective-C/C++".

As well, Xcode has several useful hotkeys for formatting:

  • Control+I will re-indent all selected lines, or the line the cursor is currently on.
  • Control+M will break a comma-separated list of parameters or array members into separate lines per member.

MARK comments

We use MARK comments extensively in the codebase.

  • Before each class definition, we use a MARK comment with a divider to denote the class.
    • This is optional if there is only one class in the file.
  • Within each class definition, we use MARK comments to mark out the different sections of the file. This is the SwiftLint-enforced order:
    • Cases
    • Type Aliases
    • Associated Types
    • Subtypes
    • Type Properties
    • Properties
    • IBInspectables
    • IBOutlets
    • Initializers
    • Deinitializers
    • Type Methods
    • View Life Cycle Methods
    • IBActions
    • Methods
    • Subscripts
  • With type properties, properties, and methods, we further split each into Public and Private groups.
  • We also will have further division with MARK comments in cases where it makes sense to denote particular sections of the class, such as with protocol conformance.
  • In a test class, the MARK comments are ordered:
    • Properties
    • Setup & Teardown
    • Tests
  • We sometimes use MARK comments to split up the tests in a test class to better signpost organization of related tests.

An incomplete example:

// MARK: - ClassName

/// (doc comments)
class ClassName {
// MARK: Properties
var count: Int

// MARK: Private Properties
private var text: String

// MARK: Methods
func printThings(_ times: Int) {
print("\(times) times, count \(count), say \"\(text)\"")

Documentation comments

  • We generally follow the recommendations for Symbol Documentation in Source Files.
  • Each class should have a documentation comment indicating what the class does.
  • Each symbol within a class should have a documentation comment.
    • We do not typically do this for DefaultThing properties or methods that conform to a Thing protocol in the same file; the documentation comment on that property or method in the protocol is sufficient. However, private properties/methods or other properties/methods not for conformance of Thing inside of DefaultThing should still have documentation comments.
  • Method documentation comments also include a list of parameters and documentation on the return value.


  • Within each section of a class, as noted by MARK comments, we alphabetize its members. That is, properties, methods, cases, and so on should be in alphabetical order.
  • This also applies inside of case statements and method parameters.


  • Closure parameters should be placed last in the method parameter list, to allow for trailing closure syntax. As well, variadic parameters should be last, as should parameters with default values. In cases where there are several different parameters that should be at the end, we allow developer discretion for the order.
  • While tests should largely be in alphabetical order by the name of the method/property under test, we allow for those related tests to be ordered in a non-alphabetical manner to allow for more logical grouping. In particular, we commonly will handle successful scenarios and then failure scenarios. This is up to developer discretion.


  • Per the API Guidelines, acronyms and initialisms that commonly appear as all upper case in American English should be uniformly up- or down-cased according to case conventions.


  • Following in the Objective-C conventions and the API Guidelines linked above, the method name should indicate the primary result or intent of calling the method. For methods without side effects, these should be noun phrases; and for methods without side effects, these should be verb phrases.
  • We prefer "Tapped" instead of "Pressed", "Touched", or "Clicked" when describing buttons or other screen elements being tapped, in line with Apple calling this a tap gesture.

File Names

  • Swift files are named per Swift convention of CamelCase of the primary class name in the file.
  • Unless there is an overriding convention—such as with a Fastfile—supporting files such a YAML configuration file or script is named in lowercase with hyphens in place of spaces; this is sometimes referred to as kebab-case.